How to Locate the Current Chrome Profile Folder

Chrome allows for the use of multiple user profiles. If you don’t have multiple user profiles set up in Chrome, then your settings and installed extensions are associated with the Default profile.

To locate the folder of the current Chrome profile, do the following:

1. Copy and paste the following URL into a new tab:

This page displays information about your Chrome installation.

2. Copy the full value of the Profile Path displayed on that page.

On Windows , it looks something like this:

C:\ Users\ username \ AppData\ Local\ Google\ Chrome\ User Data\ profileName

3. Navigate to the profile path copied in the previous step.

On Windows, paste the path directly into the address bar of File Explorer and hit Enter.

On a Mac, select Go in the Finder menu, then click Go to Folder. Paste the path into the textbox and click Go.

On Ubuntu, select Go in the Files app menu, then click Enter Location. Paste the path into the textbox and hit Enter.